Productivity Unleashed

ExxonMobil and INNIO have introduced Jenbacher N Oil 40 lubricant for Jenbacher Gas Engines
The new product is formulated for current and next generation Jenbacher gas engines
and was co-developed between ExxonMobil and INNIO for all INNIO’s Jenbacher Type 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9 natural gas engines. It's performance benefits are confirmed by more than 160,000 hours of field data across multiple engine platforms and it's been developed and validated to meet new and exclusive oil condemning limits.
Jenbacher N Oil 40 has been developed to meet the evolving needs of natural gas engine lubrication, providing increased engine uptime and enhanced engine reliability, leading to more power generation and revenue potential. Benefits of the new technology include extended and unique condemning limits for longer drain intervals without compromising protection of critical engine parts and components.
Jenbacher N Oil 40 has been validated in a long-term, multi-site testing programme with different situations (e.g. a German university, a Russian factory and a greenhouse facility in the UK) by the INNIO Group. The high performance lubricant was tested and validated over several Jenbacher engine types under the most demanding circumstances. The new oil demonstrated its capabilities in each to help optimise oil consumption, reduce waste and lower spare parts costs.
Maximum productivity, take flight.
Bring your machines to the next level of performance.
For energy-generation industries — both traditional and renewable, including coal, gas turbine or engine, nuclear, and wind — Mobil Industrial Lubricants are designed to help increase your plant’s productivity through enhanced reliability and uptime. In addition to supporting energy generation, Mobil Industrial Lubricants are engineered to also help deliver for the oil and gas exploration and production industries.
Watch the Mobil Oil & Gas sector success story video here:
Mobil lubricants help ensure that your equipment operates longer and trouble-free, and your business runs without interruption. Mobil Industrial Lubricants are backed by more than 100 years of expertise and a full range of standard-setting solutions and services to do more than just make things run - they make them fly.
Chemical Corporation (UK Ltd have a solid track record in supplying lubricant solutions to the power generation industry. We specialise in oils and lubricants which provide wear protection, extended oil life and exceptional oxidation stability. We are proud to supply the range of Mobil Pegasus products for the energy industry. Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd provide a vast range of industry and engineering expertise, oil analysis and condition monitoring and products for the power generation industry including oils for generators, oil for anaerobic digestion sites, oil for biogas sites and CHP oils. We also provide oils gas engines, oils for GE Jenbacher engines and natural gas engine oils.
In addition to providing power generation customers with Mobil Pegasus Engine Oil range, Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd has now introduced a clean and efficient antifreeze exchange service. The replacement antifreeze products are pre-diluted ready for use and are delivered in 1000 litre IBC’s directly to the customer’s site.
Used antifreeze product is removed from the cooling system using specialist pumping equipment and taken away for proper disposal through a registered waste treatment plant. The engines’ cooling system is then re-filled using a dedicated meter and delivery pump system.
Benefits to the customer:
Download the PDF to the upper right hand side of this page for full details of the service.