
08 July 2020

Chemical Corporation sends hand sanitiser dispensers flooding out far and wide

We put the health and well-being of your staff and customers top of our agenda.  

To continue supporting your business and help you to put additional public safety measures in place, we’ve introduced a range of free standing, wall mounted and table-top dispensers for hand sanitisers.

Our enhanced PPE and chemical range also includes:

• A range of liquid, gel and foaming hand sanitisers to fight the corona virus

• A wide range of high grade cleaners and disinfectants for handles, surfaces, floors, glass, windows, toilets and much more

• A range of disposable face masks and gloves suitable for a wide range of applications

• Sanitising Wipes, Blue Towel, and cleaning cloths and liquid soaps

• Universal barrier and conditioning creams for hands

You can find more information here: brochure