
03 June 2019

Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd raise funds for charity during cycle ride from Cardiff to Tenby in the CARTEN100 2019

On Saturday, June the 1st, a team of riders from Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd took part in the Carten100 ride from Cardiff to Tenby.

The event had previously been cancelled due to poor weather but Saturday was a glorious day and the event was very successful. The Chemical Corporation marketing team were on hand at the Carmarthen feed station to hand out much needed energy bars and assist with the topping up of riders’ water bottles.

The CARTEN100 cycle ride takes roughly ten hours and the main aim is to get people out on their bikes.  An added benefit of the day is the money raised for numerous charities from direct sponsorship for company logos on the cycling shirts and the CARTEN100 riders getting sponsored individually per mile. CARTEN100 is a ‘not for profit’ fund raising venture, run by volunteers so the chosen charities benefit from the funds raised as much as possible.

The route is fairly direct route from Cardiff to Tenby, using A-Roads, B-Roads and cycle routes. There are some climbs, none too difficult, but in Wales there is not a lot of flat land! Riders are encouraged not to rush to Tenby but to enjoy their day. 

For 2019 CARTEN100 rode out under the banner Riding Out Taboos. Cancer effects everybody differently, from how it manifests in a body to how a person copes with diagnosis. This year two key charities, Jo’s Trust (Cervical Cancer) and Prostate Cymru will receive vital funds from the event and hopefully awareness of these “taboo” areas of health will have been raised.

Several other charities will receive smaller donations including the Wales Air Ambulance, The National Association of Blood Bikes, Pedal Power, The Kidney Wales Foundation, The Jacob Abrahams Foundation, Pembrokeshire Action to Combat Hardship (PATCH) and Llamau.