
11 September 2014

Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd holds final for Wales Qualifier of the 2015 World Corporate Golf Challenge

The final for the Wales Qualifier of the 2015 the World Corporate Golf Challenge was held at the Wales National Golf Course at the Vale Resort near Cardiff on Saturday, 30th of August 2014.

The result went to the 18th green.  Brent O’ Neill took first place with 34 points playing off scratch.  Second place was awarded to Managing Director of Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd, Alan Barham who scored 30 points.  In third place was Gary Marshallsea with 29 points followed by Malcolm Bowditch also with 29 points.  Brent O’ Neill and Alan Barham will represent Wales in the world final in the summer of 2015. Gary Marshallsea will be the travelling reserve. 

40 countries around the world including Australia, New Zealand, China, the USA and several countries from Asia, Africa and Europe will be taking part in the final of the 2015 World Corporate Golf Challenge.  A number of seasoned golf professionals will be in attendance and the event will be covered by Sky Sports.

Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd has represented Wales in the World Corporate Golf Challenge since 1998 as seen in the table below.

1998 SPAIN 9TH
2000 SPAIN 10TH
2003 SPAIN 11TH
2007 SPAIN 15TH
2008 SPAIN 2ND
2009 SPAIN 4TH
2014 SPAIN 15TH


Paul Aspey who has qualified to represent Wales on 3 occasions to date was asked what players would experience if they reached final.  His response was:

'I represented Wales at the World Corporate Golf Challenge in La Manga, Spain 2010, South Africa 2012 and Soto Grande, Spain 2014.

My first experience in 2010 was outstanding and was over before I really realise what I’d qualified for and the achievement I had attained.  The days there were very busy with practice, preparation and playing.

South Africa was very different as it's a country I've always wanted to visit and to experience their culture.  The golf remained the most important part of the trip for me however and therefore practice and preparation was uppermost in my mind.  This competition was very well organised by the World Corporate Golf Challenge and our hosts in South Africa and it's a memory I will have for a long time.

Soto Grande was the nearest an amateur golfer will ever get to experiencing what it must be like to play in a professional golf tournament.  This event surpassed every previous tournament I had ever taken part in, both for the organisation of the event and everything else associated with a very well run professional golf week.  My advice to anyone experiencing this for the first time is to prepare your game beforehand, relax and enjoy the week.  It’s like nothing else on earth.  I thought I had died and gone to Golfing Heaven! '

For further information about the 2015 World Corporate Golf Challenge please see: