
15 May 2014

Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd run the Cardiff 5k Challenge for The Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity Appeal

Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd had a fantastic evening out at the Cardiff 5k Challenge in Bute Park, Cardiff last night. Fourteen people took part on behalf of Chemical Corporation (UK) Ltd and raised much needed funds for the Noah's Ark Children's Hospital Charity Appeal. 

Noah’s Ark need to raise a further £7m for the Children’s Hospital for Wales. This will fund a number of vital projects for Phase Two, including:

A MRI scanner, a hydrotherapy pool, 2 computer-integrated operating theatres, equipment for the new Paediatric Critical Care Unit and an enclosed garden. 

Please help us to support this great cause by donating now on our Just Giving page.

You can read more about Noah's Ark and their valuable work at: